On Saturday 20 August 2022, a group of 12 met in the Upper Room of the Rudolf Steiner Branch, Chicago, to explore the idea of co-creating a New Festival to acknowledge the Archangel Vidar. We read Rudolf Steiner's Lecture THE MISSION OF FOLK-SOULS, GA 121, Lecture XI, 17 June 1910, Christiania https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/19100617p01.html.
Here is a powerful quote from our
“All these details
which are set forth in the ‘Twilight of the Gods’, correspond with that which
is to appear to mankind in a newer etheric vision, which in reality refers to
the future. The Fenris Wolf will still remain. Oh, there is a deep, deep truth
concealed in this account of the Fenris Wolf remaining behind in conflict with
Odin. In the near future of mankind there will be no danger so great as the
tendency to remain satisfied with the old clairvoyance, — instead of developing
the new by means of new forces — the danger that man might be tempted to remain
satisfied with what the old astral clairvoyance of primal ages could give,
namely, soul-pictures such as that of the Fenris Wolf. It would also be a
severe trial for that which has to grow up in the domain of Anthroposophy, if
in that, the tendency towards all sorts of confused, chaotic clairvoyance
should arise, and an inclination to value the clairvoyance illuminated by
reason and science less highly than the old chaotic one which does not possess
this prerogative.
These remains of the old clairvoyance would wreak a
fearful vengeance, by confusing the vision of men with all sorts of chaotic
pictures. Such clairvoyance cannot be met by that which itself proceeded from
old clairvoyant power, but only by that which during the Kali Yuga has been
developed as a healthy force into a new clairvoyance. The power given by the
old Archangel Odin, the old clairvoyant powers, cannot save man; something very
different must come in. And what that is, is, however, known to Germanic Norse
mythology, — it is well aware of its existence. It knows, that there exists the
etheric form in which will embody that which we shall once again see as the
etheric form of Christ. And this alone will succeed in driving out the confused
clairvoyant power which would bewilder mankind, if Odin did not overcome the
Fenris Wolf, which represents nothing but the backward clairvoyance. Vidar, who
has kept silence all the time, will overcome the Fenris Wolf. That also is told
us in the ‘Twilight of the Gods’.
Anyone who recognizes the importance of Vidar and
feels him in his soul, will find that in the twentieth century the capacity can
again be given to man with which to see Christ. Vidar, who belongs to us all in
Northern and Central Europe, will again stand before him. He was kept secret in
the Mysteries and secret Schools as a god who would receive his mission only in
the future. Only indefinite statements are made even regarding his picture.
This may be seen from the fact that a picture has been found in the vicinity of
Cologne, of which no one knows whom it represents, but which is none other than
a likeness of Vidar.”
We had a lively discussion. Then to get us up on our feet & into our
hearts & lungs Lucien Dante Lazar & Ultra-Violet Archer of The Musical initiative
Velsum brought us a song they wrote for the occasion.
Here are the links to the recordings of the song they taught us.
Many Thanks to Are Thoresen for sharing his insights into this Being. May the Spiritual Scientific Research that we began into the Festival we are calling Vidarmas, continue to thrive.
~Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Cultural Events & Festivals Coordinator for the Rudolf Steiner Branch, Chicago
Dear freinds - Anthroposophy gives us the opportunity to work with the Cycle of the Year as a modern path of Initiation into the New Mysteries. In our striving we not only renew, but we are being called from the future to co-create entirely new Festivals.
Join us in doing Spiritual Scientific research into the Being called Vidar -
Vidar-mas? - An exploration that may perhaps lead into a new Festival for this Archangel of our Time.
Having received insights from Are Thoresen at the Rudolf Steiner Branch, Chicago last week, we are taking up our own research into the new Archangel Vidar, who stands as Guardian to the Threshold of the Etheric Realm, in protection of the Nathan Soul, opening the Northern Stream of Initiation to those who would approach the Etheric Christ . In a recent spiritual experience, Are Thoresen suggested that August 20th may be the Feast Day of Vidar..?
All are invited to join us, where ever you are, in reading a lecture by Rudolf Steiner which brings to life this new Archangel Vidar.
We welcome your feedback as to whether or not August 20th resonates as a new Feast Day that we might call Vidar-mas..?
THE MISSION OF FOLK-SOULS, GA 121, Lecture XI, 17 June 1910, Christiania https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/19100617p01.html.
Meeting in-person at the Rudolf Steiner Branch in Chicago or wherever you are
20 August 2022, at 5 pm PT / 6 pm MT / 7 pm CT / 8 pm PT
From Maverick a student of Astrosophy: “On the sheets given us by the Star House called “Sun Chronicle of the Christ Events”, Aug. 20th shows the Sun in sidereal longitude at 2 to 3 degrees in Leo – where the Sun is at home in the sign it rules. The Christ events occurring then are: Aug.20th – the conversation at Jacob’s well (so the 1st time Christ Jesus revealed to anyone other than the disciples that He was the Messiah), and Aug. 20/21st – the raising of Lazarus from the dead.
~Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, Cultural Events & Festivals Coordinator for the Rudolf Steiner Branch, Chicago
Dear friends – As Anthroposophers we are called to do active Spiritual Scientific research, not take any persons word for anything. So being that the Festival Life can be a path of initiation into the New Mysteries, we thought to explore this Being Vidar further in connection to our task in this age of understanding the etheric Christ, which Rudolf Steiner speaks about in GA 121, the lecture we will study together today. By doing so we are in no way suggesting that we are to replace Michael as the Time Spirit holding the Zeitgeist of the age, or that this exploration would in any way eradicate Michaelmas as the true Christian Festival that it is.
Druidic gravestone of Vidar found in Niederdollendorf near Colonge
“…The communications given out from Rosicrucian sources must be tested rather than believed, tested not superficially by the superficial methods of modern science, but ever more conscientiously…The more you test them, the more you will find them confirmed from this source. You must accept nothing on authority. The best students of Spiritual Science are those who take what is said as a stimulus in the first place and test it by the facts of life itself. For in life too, at every stage of life, you can test what is given out from the sources of Rosicrucianism. It is far from my intention in these lectures to lay down dogmas and claim that the facts are such and such and must be believed. Verify them by an exchange of views with people of able and active mind and you will find confirmation of what has been said as a prophetic indication of the future manifestation of Christ. You need only open your eyes and verify it objectively; we make no appeal to belief in authority. This need to test everything received from Spiritual Science should become a kind of basic attitude permeating our whole approach.
I should like to impress upon you, therefore, that it is not anthroposophical to accept a statement as dogma on the authority of this or that person; but it is truly anthroposophical to allow oneself to be stimulated by Spiritual Science and to verify what is communicated by life itself.” ~Rudolf Steiner, THE MISSION OF THE INDIVIDUAL FOLK SOULS, GA 121, 11. Nerthus, Freyja and Gerda. Twilight of the Gods. Vidar and the new Revelation of Christ, 17 June 1910, Oslo